1.whats the value of x. x = 20; y=30; x=y++ + x++; x = 30++ + 20 ++ = 50 but there is one ++ pending for x which shall be executed so the value of x will 51 . 2.write a function to check its a big endian or little endian first method union test{ int i; char c; }; test t1; t1.i = 1; if(t1.c == 1){ pf("LE"); } else pf("BE"); second method. int i=1; if( *(char*)&i == 1) pf("LE"); else pf("BE") 3.write a program to reverse the bits in an integer 1101 ==> 1011 int output; for(int i=0;i<32;i++){ if( input & 1 ==1 ){ output |= 1<<32-i; } input = input >> 1; } 4. int inc(int ip){ static int i=2; ...